Tomas Zemanovic

Results 147 issues of Tomas Zemanovic

Fixes #65: escaping the urls as seen here at

This problem affects Firefox 64, 65 and possibly more, see the screenshot:

related to #35 - we'd like to be able to get access to the session's stream - we're using it to put a process to a background with - we...

This is a follow-up to #83. closes #84

We're currently using this library We only store the hashes (`H256`) of the key and values in the tree (more details in The fork has added a [borsh](

good first issue

related to anoma/namada#71, this adds makefile recipe to get test code coverage report from [tarpaulin]( (only supported on linux at the moment)

based on #751 to avoid conflicts also closes #739 ┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task]( by [Unito](

closes #340 ┆Issue is synchronized with this [Asana task]( by [Unito](