Tomas Zemanovic

Results 47 comments of Tomas Zemanovic

Let's also remember to review the `WasmFeatures` that we've added in, for which we chose the most restrictive options for now for safety.

> there is an e2e test, maybe we can use the same test and submit txs twice? The e2e is using the matchmaker compiled to wasm, which is harder to...

this is low prio for now because we have e2e test covering it in `e2e::ledger_tests::pos_init_validator`

once we get the blocking PRs merged, we should test this with

it would be nice to also compare this with (as suggested in collab-cosmos-crypto channel

also Diem is using sparse merkle tree

We discussed this topic in the ledger's meeting on 6/5/2021. The transaction fees should be payable by implicit accounts. This would simplify the process for the validators, which have to...

Personally, I find that the current version works well with a workspace project, where you can choose what package/action to run with the `--exec` argument. I would however love to...