It depends what your source is. Wifi xDrip does not pass through DexCollectionService and therefore is having bigger times. I think that the motivation behind this is that the wifi...
In very short I'm almost sure that there will be no alert when there is no sensor: FileBasedNotifications starts with this code... ``` if (sensor != null && bgReading !=...
Thanks for noting that.
So, the issue I wanted to raise is this: When I wrote alert code, timer was always running either once per minute or once per 5 minute. It seems that...
I'ok send a complete list of commits that were trying to solve the issue on the morning. But my real question is this. Why are we allowed to have timers...
Well, so there are two issues here: the theoretical issues of timers and alerts, and the practical one of how to fix alerts in the past. As for the theoretical...
After looking at code, things are even more complicated... Creating a PR...
mgranberry as the first one around here to have a marshmallow phone, I wonder if I can ask you to make a small experiment: Run with a version of xDrip...
In that case, do you still find my suggestion of arming the timers to fire every 6 minutes that bad?
But we are calling alarm.setExactAndAllowWhileIdle() what is the difference between this and AlarmManager.setAlarmClock()?