OK, so understanding the small holes is easy. Let's look at the logs carefully: What happens at 21:00 2019-12-12 21:00:12 openaps.ns-loop Refreshed carbhistory; COB: 13 2019-12-12 21:01:11 openaps.ns-loop Refreshed carbhistory;...
Thanks for your answer. I guess you know the design, better than anyone, but I still don't see how that can happen constantly. Let me explain: Here is a code...
Thanks for the answer. I'll read the code and see what I'll find.
Possible solutions that I can think of: 1) Run on something faster. (did not seem feasible from what I have looked for, and probably requires an enormous amount of testing...
I have just implemented such a server for the ns-status code. It finishes its work in less than a second. Indeed there are global variables there that make the change...
The client code is here: echo monitor/clock-zoned.json monitor/iob.json enact/suggested.json enact/enacted.json monitor/battery.json monitor/reservoir.json monitor/status.json monitor/mmtune.json preferences.json monitor/edison-battery.json | netcat 1337 The server code is attached. Please note that this is...
By the way, the histogram of the different functions that we run is this: 12 /usr/local/bin/json 5 /usr/local/bin/ns-status 2 /usr/local/bin/oref0-calculate-iob 2 /usr/local/bin/oref0-detect-sensitivity 2 /usr/local/bin/oref0-determine-basal 6 /usr/local/bin/oref0-get-ns-entries 6 /usr/local/bin/oref0-get-profile 7 /usr/local/bin/oref0-meal...
I have tested with node v10.15.2 (our default). I'll not be available for the next 24 hours, but I can try to test other versions tomorrow.
Ok, so I did some more work on this issue. I have fixed the ns-status file to be ready to be called from a different module. Changes are minimal. (we...
OK, so I'll prepare a pr for 12 /usr/local/bin/json 5 /usr/local/bin/ns-status and we will see how we continue from here.