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SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration for Aerial Robots using Learning to Predict Information Gain
SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration with Learned Information
Complete videos: video1
Please cite our paper if you use this project in your research:
- SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration for Aerial Robots using Learning to Predict Information Gain, Yuezhan Tao, Yuwei Wu, Beiming Li, Fernando Cladera, Alex Zhou, Dinesh Thakur, Vijay Kumar.
author={Tao, Yuezhan and Wu, Yuwei and Li, Beiming and Cladera, Fernando and Zhou, Alex and Thakur, Dinesh and Kumar, Vijay},
booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
title={SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration for Aerial Robots using Learning to Predict Information Gain},
Please kindly star :star: this project if it helps you. We take great efforts to develope and maintain it :grin::grin:.
Table of Contents
SEER: Safe Efficient Exploration with Learned Information
- Table of Contents
- Quick Start
- Exploring Different Environments
To Improve the Semantic Detection
- Disable Semantic Detection
- What is NOT Included in this Release
Known issues
- Compilation issue
- libdw error
Quick Start
This project has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04(ROS Noetic). Run the following commands to install required tools:
sudo apt-get install libarmadillo-dev
sudo apt-get install tmux
Install pytorch for running the occupancy predictor in simulation (verified with CUDA 11.7 and torch 1.12.0): torch install
Install catkin tools from official website:
After installing catkin tools, initialize workspace:
catkin init
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Then simply clone and compile our package (using ssh here):
git clone [email protected]:tyuezhan/SEER.git
wstool init && wstool merge SEER/planner.rosinstall && wstool update
cd ../
catkin build
If you got any compilation issues, see Known issues section.
After compilation you can start a sample exploration demo. First, please add
source ${YOUR_WORKSPACE_PATH}/devel/setup.bash
to source this workspace in your .bashrc
(.zshrc, etc. if you use other terminals). Since our tmux script will create new terminal windows, this is to make sure they can find the correct packages.
Firstly run roscd exploration_manager/scripts
to navigate to the tmux script.
Then, run
This should launch tmux with multiple windows that contains the entire simulation stack.
By default you can see an office-like environment in Gazebo. The Rviz should show an empty environment with a small quadrotor.
Firstly, click Motors On
and Take Off
from the mav manager GUI.
Then, after you see some initial map, trigger the quadrotor to start exploration by the 2D Nav Goal
tool in Rviz
Exploring Different Environments
The exploration environments in our simulator is in Gazebo. If you want to use your own environments, simply place the .world files in planner/exploration_manager/worlds and change the world argument in the tmux_gazebo_sim.launch file under planner/exploration_manager/launch.
You may also need to change the bounding box of explored space in tmux_exploration.launch under planner/exploration_manager/launch:
<arg name="map_size_x" default="13"/>
<arg name="map_size_y" default="15"/>
<arg name="map_size_z" default="2.3"/>
<arg name="box_min_x" default="-1.6"/>
<arg name="box_min_y" default="-6.2"/>
<arg name="box_min_z" default=" 0.0"/>
<arg name="box_max_x" default="9.8"/>
<arg name="box_max_y" default="7.0"/>
<arg name="box_max_z" default=" 2.0"/>
<arg name="map_origin_x" default="-1.5"/>
<arg name="map_origin_y" default="-6.1"/>
<arg name="map_origin_z" default="-0.1"/>
Note: Here, the map_origin is the bottom left corner of the map bounding box, the map expand from the origin to (map_origin+map_size). Box_min and box_max are used to shrink the map inward, a valid value should limit the box within the map.
To Improve the Semantic Detection
You may noticed that in this work we proposed a hand-crafted door detector. To improve the performance of detection, please feel free to replace the detection module with a NN model.
Disable Semantic Detection
If you'd like to disable the semntic detection as well as the behavior state machine, flip the flag of semantic detection at line 133 in algorithm.xml
in planner/exploration_manager/launch.
What is NOT Included in this Release
- Training data from MatterPort3D
- Code for map reconstruction and training data generation
- Code for training the network
Known issues
Compilation issue
When running this project on Ubuntu 20.04, C++14 is required. Please add the following line in all CMakelists.txt files:
libdw error
sudo apt-get install libdw-dev
to solve compile issues