Tyson Clugg

Results 48 comments of Tyson Clugg

I'm assuming this was fixed by https://github.com/direnv/direnv/pull/717, can someone please confirm this?

@zimbatm, can you please close this? The `shell.bash hook` and `activate ` commands [suggested](https://github.com/direnv/direnv/issues/326#issuecomment-574779485) by @richerve are achieved with [`$(conda) shell.bash activate `](https://github.com/direnv/direnv/pull/717/files#diff-65f096acc5cb8701ae62be810fce97e6b2820be683839581f0042a2e3761cfc8R821) as part of PR #717.

@blueyed You mentioned you have this working, can you submit the PR in order to move this issue along?

How about using GNU make with the following Makefile: ``` requirements%.txt: requirements%.in pip-compile -o "$@" "$

@merwok I guess my point was that your workflow may be better supported by existing build tools, rather than expecting each tool to be a swiss army knife supporting all...

@moaxey Did you want to submit a pull request with your changes from `.iteritems()` to `.items()`?

Looks good to me, but can you please explain why it was failing?

Thanks for the contribution! I like the concept, but I'm undecided on the implementation. Can you explain why this is preferred over having a common serialization method?

@fabiovella83 -- maybe the pony on https://github.com/django-stables could provide some inspiration?

As per issue #10, I've added online docs using Sphinx, which supports HTML [theming](http://sphinx-doc.org/theming.html).