Bless your heart, Github. [TwoHearts.svg.txt](https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch/files/8502282/TwoHearts.svg.txt)
Oh, and in the second document, there weren't currently any objects with commands but there have been and the ID's are still hanging around. In fact now that I think...
One more thing: if I Duplicate instead of copy-paste within the same document, the stems stay in place no matter where I drag the duplicates to, so the trims work...
As long as I remember to copy-paste instead of duplicate, I can work around that part. But I have a pretty regular need to copy or import multiple tiny designs...
Are you trying to run Ink/Stitch directly? It's an Inkscape plugin - run Inkscape and Ink/Stitch will appear as menu options under Extensions.
It's an easy mistake. Luckily the fix is pretty easy too :laughing:
This looks like the same bug as #1724 though I'm not sure what @kaalleen did to identify the problem paths there.
The latter of the errors is in the process of being fixed, but it's actually triggered by a problem with your file (just, it should handle it better than that)....
This bug should be fixed in a development version: #1742 has the details.
The dreaded stealth-geoms! There's a dev version mentioned in #1742 - see if that fixes it for you.