Do you mean something different from what satin rungs already do?
Yep, looks like you've added a fill. If you want to change lettering's color, you need to change the stroke color (and clear the fill, on these).
Maybe convert-to-satins could do like the stitch plan and preserve the original in a hidden layer? That's what I do manually before auto-routing and things like that.
Yeah, I almost posted another post after I hit send: being able to put rungs on zigzags would be *amazing* regardless of whether convert-to-satin kept a backup layer.
I've run into that too, but I assumed it's an Inkscape thing. When you merge two nodes, it's like it yanks that node segment out of its previous path, instead...
Gonna do that; I kept meaning to anyway. (Update: it's issue 7261 over in their Gitlab tracker)
It happens with no Ink/Stitch involvement; that's what I did for the demo I submitted, just built a couple of three-subpath paths and connected 'em up. No Ink/Stitch params on...
Whoops, the problem with subscribing to all updates is sometimes you don't notice when the comments are actually directed at you. 2.1.2, Inkscape 1.1. They stay as non-stitching objects, they...
(Also users can't reopen issues unless they closed them themselves. It's kind of the same as #1628 though.)
That looks like maybe a variation on the bug where Ink/Stitch can't detect the thread color. The current workaround is to change the color and re-save, though that's kind of...