
Results 21 issues of tyoc213

**bug** When I select and hightlight a piece of text inside a pdf, I got an error from firebase **Expected behavior** Not show error and have the highlight saved for...

https://opencollective.com/polar-bookshelf **Describe the bug** All the pdfs I have added online and uploading have 0 progress even the ones I have finished reading and taked notes. **To Reproduce** 1. Go...

It starts tryng to load the lib even when still compiling packages (for example if I do cargo build --release) it start downloading things, then building and I get the...

Just downloaded the zip, opened inside ADT and I cant compile with `gradlew :tutorials:tutorial1:installDebug --info --debug --scan`. Here is my scan https://scans.gradle.com/s/kkyk7oh5yml22 So what to do to be able to...


For `nbs/convolution-intro.ipynb` there is no prior definition to the usage of `pool8`?

It will be nice if possible to add a `due date` in green more than one week, red in date or after, yellow in the following 7 days... (or some...

help wanted

What does happen if I train with low number of images less than 500. I need to ask this because I still dont know, the generated comes from the learning...

Tensor Comprehensions Github Issues Guidelines ---------------------------------------------- When submitting a bug report, please include the following information (where relevant): - OS: Ubuntu 18.04 - How you installed TC (docker, conda, source):...

### Environment data VS Code version: 1.22.1 Jupyter Extension version: 1.1.4 OS and version: Linux one 4.13.0-38-generic #43-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 14 15:20:44 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ###...

App looks like this ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/506234/162586322-251f1ab3-386a-4150-a709-5b191ea8a575.png) But when clicking on add it show this: ``` [error] Process #PID terminating ** (exit) {{{%Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError{conn: %Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, assigns: %{}, body_params: %{}, cookies: %{"_todo_key"...