Tynan Beatty
Tynan Beatty
Any project exposing a `main` function will likely route everything through that. If that's how Gleam projects are meant to run and be structured, It seems unlikely we'd gain much...
Based on recent experience, in the following situation: 1. A module and variable share the same name, and 2. That variable references a non-opaque record with a field that shares...
Sorry, I didn't test this simplified snippet; looks like it's not quite enough. The following Gleam compiles and runs fine for the JavaScript target. ```gleam fn iterable_builder() { Task( ..[]...
Here's a Dockerfile to cross-compile a static gleam binary for Linux ARMv7 (32bit). Note that `musl` < v1.2 is required for 32bit architectures, at least until the `musl` included with...
For aarch64, it might work to adapt the above Dockerfile, replacing the triplets, and using e.g. this toolchain: https://toolchains.bootlin.com/downloads/releases/toolchains/aarch64/tarballs/aarch64--musl--stable-2021.11-1.tar.bz2
I just made a fresh copy of [`basic_project`](https://github.com/gleam-lang/mix_gleam/tree/main/test_projects/basic_project) from this repository, added [`rad`](https://hex.pm/packages/rad) (which has a `priv` dir) to `mix.exs`, then ran `mix deps.get`. After that, `mix compile` worked without...
I think if we copy `.ex` files in the same fn where "native" modules get copied, we then need to use that new `maybe_link_elixir_libs` fn, keep a separate list of...
A Windows alternative for the line in question might look like this, since the single `\` characters escape for Rust. ```rust "File.write!(\"\"{}\"\", [{}] |> Stream.map(fn(lib) -> lib |> :code.lib_dir |>...
@Smaehtin thanks for testing. @lpil 's suggestion is to replace `File.write!(` with `:ok = File.write(`, as the final(?) piece of the puzzle.
Just noticed that I'll need to see that `gleam publish` picks up `.ex` files too.