Tyler Treat

Results 17 issues of Tyler Treat

It would be nice to have an integration suite which tests each piece of functionality against a live (configurable) BigQuery project.

`chan_select` currently only supports non-blocking selects. It should also support blocking selects, maybe by passing in a flag.


The recovery time of a commitlog is currently linear with the number of entries in the log. As a result, a log with many messages (e.g. millions) can take several...

My understanding of Kafka is that a follower truncates its log up to the high watermark on recovery to remove any potentially uncommitted messages (this might no longer be the...

Provide an API that exposes monitoring information and metrics. We'll need to think on whether this should be part of the gRPC API or a separate HTTP/REST-based API. My inclination...


There is a race condition when using the embedded NATS server option in that the [NATS server's signal handler](https://github.com/nats-io/nats-server/blob/a27de5a681636cb25362ce0a726f365a099bd95e/server/signal.go) races with [Liftbridge's signal handler](https://github.com/liftbridge-io/liftbridge/blob/f9f12da8f0f109021f2da84f54f9bead4b05e22b/server/signal.go). Specifically, NATS calls `os.Exit` which can...


Implement a bridge process that maps Kafka topics to Liftbridge streams to better support the migration from Kafka to Liftbridge or to support hybrid scenarios.


Implement chaos testing to validate correctness and guarantees.

help wanted

This depends on https://github.com/liftbridge-io/liftbridge/issues/19. Once embedded NATS server is supported, allow the NATS API to be exposed optionally. This, in effect, turns NATS into an implementation detail and allows users...


Explore ways to implement federated Liftbridge clusters to better support geo-replication. This may involve implementing a [Kafka MirrorMaker](https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27846330)-like system for replicating data between clusters. Additionally, see if there are ways...
