Ty Siemers
Ty Siemers
Running the following helper script for LNT isols.py located at src/lntmod The command referenced in this guide fails on python3.6 https://xrdocs.io/8000/tutorials/8000-software-xr7-giso/#giso-verification root@NA----DEV-Machine:~/gisobuild/src/lntmod# ./isols.py /root/gisobuild/nsight_builds/builds/N540L_752_v4/giso/ncs540l-golden-x86_64-7.5.2-N540L_752_v4.iso --optional-packages Traceback (most recent call last):...
Pulling in data that can have multiple values per location only shows on on the map. I am using a lookup to gather lon/lat and have multiple values per one...