Tylere Couture
Tylere Couture
Table Headers: https://github.com/tylerecouture/summernote-table-headers
Well... this interests me! I just learned about these plugins and want to use most of them in my project! haha. I'll post here as I test them. **Summernote-ext-highlight** First...
**Summernote Ace** https://github.com/wubin1989/summernote-ace-plugin Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/43Tesseracts/a3chu58e/ Results - Doesn't work. No input appears to "input your code" into. Firefox (55.0.2 - LinuxMint and 52.1.0 - Win10), Chrome (52.0 Mint), Edge (40.1...
**Summernote Codewrapper** https://github.com/wubin1989/summernote-ace-plugin Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/43Tesseracts/1jaoLpqd/ Results: - It works! =D I'll have to use this if the other code highlighters don't get fixed, those breaks in the default code style...
Perhaps you might want to create a "graveyard" section at the bottom for the old, no-longer-working extensions? As I get more familiar with this API I'd be interested in trying...
**Summernote EmojiOne** https://github.com/bmironov/summernote-emojione-plugin Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/43Tesseracts/1jaoLpqd/ Results: - Doesn't work. - Emoji icon doesn't appear in toolbar. - `TypeError: $.summernote.renderer is undefined`
**Summernote FontAwesome and Summernote Ext Specialchars** https://github.com/JustinEldracher/summernote-plugins Assuming they don't work due to author's comment: > The following two plugins have not yet been updated to work with Summernote 0.7.0:
Same problem Ubuntu 20.04.1
Thanks for the reply! We are running Ubuntu 16.04 (64 bit). From my travels on the interweb it appears that no 64bit build is available except through Otto's gimp-plugin-registry package?
In my case I have an LMS (learning Management System) for a highschool. One of the settings is the current active semester. When the semester is changed, I have all...