
Results 10 comments of Tyki6

hi, @ss75710541 i tested your version because im very interesting by this feature and im still faced same issues i receive default value and not override values Regards

my notification: ```yaml templates: template.app-deployed: | webhook: alpha: method: POST body: | { "attachments": [{ "title": "{{ .app.metadata.name}}", "title_link":"{{.context.argocdUrl}}/applications/{{.app.metadata.name}}", "color": "#18be52", "fields": [ { "title": "Git TAG", "value": "{{(call .repo.GetAppDetails).Helm.GetParameterValueByName...

@ss75710541 i tested with our image quay.io/netwarps/argocd-notifications:v1.2.1.1

ah ok do you will fix .Helm.GetParameterValueByName too or i need to do that by my self? Regards

ok thx have good day @ss75710541 thx for your work!

@ss75710541 i tested and my problem is solved thx a lot(s you did an amazing job. Regards

got the same problem All port are open, test telnet connection: OK, firefox: 0 error message, Chrome: ``` Note: errors from onicecandidateerror above are not neccessarily fatal. For example an...

Oh sorry next time i will check documentation before opened an issue. Yes it's will be a nice feature to have auto completion of command argument.If it's ok for you...

Hello, I am also seeing a similar problem. Do you have any news @cesarmg1980 / @sydney-runkle? # Test example ```python from __future__ import annotations from pydantic import BaseModel from typing...