
Results 7 issues of jiangtianyuan

Hello, your work has helped me a lot, but I can't load data when using kittiviewer. The error is as follows: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32089720/65818296-de7d8e00-e242-11e9-86d8-7ff27ca9fd4e.png) At the same time, the following information is...

Hello, I'd like to ask a question.For the instance split task, how should we generate the corresponding 36 points?

hi~, chenxu, this is a good job. But when I reproduce this project, i found some mistake in this repo, and I have slove some. But there is also one...

Hi!, thanks for your good project to the lidar motion. But I have a question about the data augmention. I notice that the "input_points" are augmented with global flip and...

hi Thans for your great job! And I have a easy question. where should I get the test scene. I down the scannet data by [this link ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PTi37xlPxqhHNyxs_4xiGGj1OsnTQhWD). Howerer, this...

Hello, do you need to add the val dataset to the training to submit your results on the KITTI official website? I did so, but the accuracy decreased by 1...

Hello, there are three different values (0,1,-1) in the target_label in the loss function DiceLoss(nn.Module); -1 is not considered; I want to know the meaning of these three values It...