Tada Yatabe
Tada Yatabe
Apologies for being late, also been busy. From this toy example what I'm expecting to get is a table with the column `FEATURE` containing the value `HELLO` 24 times. For...
Whas this ever fixed for Redis? I'm getting the same error when adding documents to the retriever `DataError: Invalid input of type: 'Document'. Convert to a bytes, string, int or...
Was this solved? I have the same issue and removing the extra '/' doesn't seem to help with the 404, as I keep getting the error {"error":{"code":"404","message": "Resource not found"}}
OK, I found out the version in the repo `2023-05-15` is not supported, at least in my area. Changing the version fixed it for me
@zk2k you can find the current API versions [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/openai/reference#completions). The one I ended up using was `2023-03-15-preview`
Hey, I'm also interested in using this functionality, I have documents with a bunch of possible tags as metadata, for example ``` Document(page_content='lorem impsum ...', metadata={ 'id': '5f874c6591bc3f9a540c3722', 'title': 'hello...
Hey, I wasn't sure it could handle booleans or ints, so I ended up turning them into strings '0'/'1'. The error I got was from clickhouse (I'm using with a...
@Boodhayana can you share or direct to place to understand how the fine tuning is actually done?
@joeddav for distillation what should the candidate labels be? I think it should be the candidate labels you want to use for your application, regardless of what the text you're...
Hey, thank you for getting back to me. I'm very excited to see that post! In the meantime I'm actually trying my hand with pytorch, and I'm wondering how to...