
Results 70 comments of TxThinking

You can do this script `brooklinks`, checkout https://brook.app


My case the domain is p52-buy.itunes.apple.com captured by brook, reference article, download older versions of any iOS app: https://www.txthinking.com/talks/articles/ios-old-version-app-en.article

I have done this using brook, the script inside is available for reference, download older versions of any iOS app: https://www.txthinking.com/talks/articles/ios-old-version-app-en.article

Brook 黑名单模式: https://www.txthinking.com/talks/articles/brook-blacklist.article How to proxy only part of addresses: https://www.txthinking.com/talks/articles/brook-blacklist-en.article

recommended that you choose the [small API](https://github.com/txthinking/socks5#struct-is-like-concept-in-protocol) for transport other than TCP and UDP

You can use the Small API(Struct is like concept in protocol) instead of the Advanced API to do any you want

``` iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -m hashlimit --hashlimit-above 50kb/s --hashlimit-mode dstip,dstport --hashlimit-name out -j DROP ```