Tiago Furtado

Results 12 comments of Tiago Furtado

Is there a summary of the issues in integrating this to platformio? Or was nothing ever started, I see that there is support for some msp430 devices in pio, presumably...

There doesn't seem that there is much demand for it, overall. A lot of tooling seems to be very TI specific. Unfortunately it would appear that using Code Composer is...

Supplying the com port as an argument works

I would add that in order for onnx-simplifier v0.2.18 to work you also need an older version of onnx. I tried 1.6.0 and that worked. More recent onnx releases have...

I can confirm that traces collected on Linux also present this problem

> You can e.g. call such a methon in exit/entry functions, these are always called before / after transit. These methods don't really call on for the duration of the...

> The display routine blocks the CPU for a long time, making huge network transfers unreliable. I'd recommend to disable the display during update via the onStart() callback of the...

One might be using the the same way one would a screen, possibly to show a progress bar or an icon to indicate that the device is updating.

> It seems updating the display from within the ISR will end up in a world of hurt on the ESP32. From i2c infinite loops (caused by https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/blob/master/cores/esp32/esp32-hal-i2c.c#L1010) to `xQueueGenericReceive`...

Actually, in my specific case is the device will have periods of activity where they're sending lots of sensor messages, and then variable periods of inactivity, where they're not taking...