Tom Wuttke
Tom Wuttke
Not sure if you can do https directly like that or not. I was already running an apache2 instance for my general purpose external facing HTTPS server on that box....
Another way of putting it.. that URL contains invalid characters, thus Twitter is doing the correct thing by ignoring them. The only valid unescaped characters in a url are: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=...
Fair enough. Gmail's auto-linking also includes that "{" case. Browsers, if they wanted to be good citizens, could escape the urls when the user puts them in the clipboard, but...
One alternative to relaxing our inline URL parsing rules for all tweets and dms is to rewrite malformed (unescaped) urls when the user pastes then into clients. The trick is... does line feed normalization and strips some invalid characters during the editing process. In other words, it converts "\r\n" into "\n" while you are editing. I'm curious if the...
Should the length calculation rewrite the tweet text before calculating, or provide a separate "clean tweet text" function that does this. For example, does the api let you tweet 140...
Or, properly escaped if you copy it from the address bar of a modern browser: I think it's funny how people and messaging products are gradually giving the middle...