
Results 6 issues of twoone3

``` E0095 Array is too large magic_enum\magic_enum.hpp 198 in class "magic_enum::detail: :static_string [where N=18446744073709551600Ui64]" on line:341 Detected during instantiation ``` When I compile the project with VS2022, the compiler reports...

help wanted

Hi! Currently, Tabnine exists for Visual Studio 2019. However, we do plan to expand to VS 2022. If we'd see enough interest from the community, we will make sure such...

### 异常模块 Core(核心) ### 操作系统 Windows 11 ### LiteLoader版本 2.3.1 ### BDS版本 1.19 ### 发生了什么? 使用CompoundTag服务器崩溃 ### 复现此问题的步骤 ```cpp auto a = CompoundTag::fromSNBT(R"({ "a24z": { "a4z": {}, "az": [1f, 1f,...

status: waiting for feedback


### 异常模块 ScriptEngine(脚本引擎) ### 操作系统 Windows 11 ### LiteLoader版本 2.5.1 ### BDS版本 ### 发生了什么? LL控制台chat输出即使拦截了也输出 ### 复现此问题的步骤 ```js // 单次聊天时间限制(毫秒) const wait_time = 1000; mc.listen('onChat', function (player, msg) {...

type: enhancement
module: Core
priority: normal

请问如何配置python单元测试? ```md ######## ScriptX config ########## # 1. import ScriptX # set which backend engine to use set(SCRIPTX_BACKEND Python CACHE STRING "" FORCE) ``` 我将test文件夹的cmake改成这样 结果编译时仍有v8的引用 配置cmake时我发现有仓库的克隆 但是文件里面我并没有发现git链接 就感觉很奇怪