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franz-go contains a feature complete, pure Go library for interacting with Kafka from 0.8.0 through 3.6+. Producing, consuming, transacting, administrating, etc.

Results 55 franz-go issues
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So I am using `franz-go` via benthos. Specifically this module: One thing I noticed is if i changed my authentication method from sasl to tls, my consumer group sometimes...

Edit: Ignore, can delete. Turns out we'd were go getting the root package which is't a go package root.

[clickhouse_sinker]( uses franz-go as the kafka client library by default. However I noticed it fails to auth with Kafka via Kerberos. The following is the clickhouse_sinker log (including franz-go debug...

Hi there. Love the project and am considering using it. However, the `GroupTransactSession` semantics seem to be a bit limiting for concurrent processing of partitions. I have a consumer application...

I've run into a few issues when using the prometheus metrics plugin. Particularly: - No example of how to hook up the plugin with the default registry. - If you...

good first issue

# /root/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/kgo/record_formatter.go:1588:13: undefined: io.ReadAll io.ReadAll not available in go 1.15

good first issue

We had an issue recently with our Kafka cluster where it was provisioned to some nodes using `strimzi` that were over-comitted on memory, causing OOM errors and pod restarts periodically....

In this pull request, we add a `Context` to the `Record` type. Adding the context provides the ability to enrich the record with data. Our use-case is observing requests/events as...

Some packages are using go 1.16 and another usine 1.15. This PR will update all `go 1.15` to `go 1.16`.

In some system the produce time can be very critical, but the idle connections are being closed requiring more time(TLS handshake + authentication) to produce on Kafka. Maybe allow reduce...