Taylor Wicksell
Taylor Wicksell
The HealthCheckHandler will start reporting UP/DOWN as soon as its attached, so the developer shouldn't need to get involved. Although the way we've done it internally (prior to using Spring...
Maybe a useful point of context, internally we've had developers request some extra lifecycle such that they *could* manually transition their service from Starting to Up, and then let the...
The heartbeat is just replicating what the local instance considers its status to be out to the remote Eureka server. If the healthcheck handler hasn't been attached yet, and we...
I'd think something along the lines of: ``` @Autowired EurekaClient client; @Autowired HealthCheckHandler handler; // should be org.springframework.cloud.netflix.eureka.EurekaHealthCheckHandler @EventListener(ApplicationReadyEvent.class) public void attachHealthCheckHandlerToEureka() { client.registerHealthCheck(handler); } ``` The only edge case...
You're correct @brenuart that health check is not required. We've just always used some form of healthcheck, and consistently knowing the status is coming from a HealthCheck handler (even if...
I was not, thanks @garyrussell ! I think I still want this feature in a broader library than SI, but this is definitely a good place to borrow implementation from....
I just ran into this one when someone set the step size for a registry to 0 as a way of "disabling" metrics reporting. Surprising error that came from SimpleMeterRegistry...
So I understand a Spring config which uses `@EnableGuiceModules` to work with legacy Guice library code. And I understand `SpringModule` being used when you have Spring code to be used...
There are some merged but unreleased changes that may help with parameterized types being lost, but I'll need @dsyer's help in getting a release out. I'll see if I can...
I would think so. We've been testing these last set of changes for a while now and it seems fairly stable.