Hi. Thanks for the quick reply! I think you're referring to the changes in c7f58ee7853a37. Until there is more documentation or example code, could you confirm questions the below? 1....
Thank you very much for the help. I won't close this in case you want the issue to remain open until documentation is available. Feel free to close if desired....
Basic control should be available via this external converter: HTH.
If i should be using the different syntax in the readme in this repo, I'm a bit confused. If I use `hass://supervisor?entity_id=camera.left_side_camera` then I get the error `undefined error=streams: hass:...
Yeah, I tried a lot of different variations on the syntax, since nothing I tried worked. The second message lists the variations. Home Assistant is a simple hassos install, nothing...
I'm happy to use it some other way - I also tried the hostname of the actual hass instance...
ok thank you - here's my updated findings: 1. `hass://supervisor` - fails with "auth invalid" error, no matter what I do. 2. `hass://hostname` - fails due to resolving to the...
The reason I wanted the script path was that I could search $(scriptPath)/../share/zproject On 12 July 2016 at 07:21, Kevin Sapper [email protected] wrote: > The sibling directories @hintjens described...
We're not searching for scripts, we're searching for API definitions, which are stored outside the bin directory, so are not in the PATH. On 13 July 2016 at 11:24, Pieter...
Thank you @raketenemo - I have made some minor changes and pushed a repo here - I needed the heating state to be a part of the climate entity...