Tom Westerhout

Results 18 comments of Tom Westerhout

Not really, `std::complex` would give me a SoA layout (or am I missing something?). Nowadays, however, most linear algebra libraries, for example, use AoS layout for complex numbers. So I...

> About W, PRIMME stores the A*V vectors in W, where A is the matrix to diagonalize. Unfortunately saving the space of W is more challenging and will require extra...

I'll try switching to 64-bit BLAS, thanks!

Okay, `PRIMME_BLASINT_SIZE=64` is not cutting it because `Num_gemv_Sprimme` declares `lda` as `int` and the overflow happens before calling into BLAS.

Ah this is great, thank you! I'll give it a try and report back.

First tests seem successful. It's not crashing anymore (with Intel MKL 2019.5)!

Yes, you did, but to `eloy/fix-large-mats` branch rather than `master`. I've [been building]( from that branch, but I guess now I can switch to `master`.

> Ideas on how to do start doing these benchmarks more systematically? Well, the "standard" way of running benchmarks systematically is Travis. The way I see it is * Add...

By forcing 32-bit blas & lapack (Nixpkgs choose 64-bit openblas on x86-64), I was able to reduce the number of failing tests to two: ``` arrayfire> The following tests FAILED:...

Nixpkgs is the [Nix]( packages collection, one can use it on almost any Linux distro as well as on OS X. They enable 64-bit by default on x86-64, but I've...