Thor Weinreich
Thor Weinreich
For me adding the `--realtime` and `--no-cpu-limit` to `init.d/pulseaudio` script as startup parameters solved some of my issues with lagging output (I may have to try a newer Pi and/or...
Today I tried to copy a 172MB file to the mounted volume. Finder first started the copying process but canceled it just before finishing by telling me I had no...
Hi, It would be really nice to be able to display tasks as cards with their statuses as columns like in a scrum board. Why: - better overview over the...
Hi, It would be really cool to be able to use (own / predefined) icons that reflect the priority (maybe with the possibility to sort / display certain prioritized tasks)....
Hey @tschuehly, I have another PR for you but I don't expect you to merge it as is because I saw you refactored a bit more in the `SNAPSHOT` and...
Since I try to contribute to this project, I had to find out how to run the tests because first they failed when I ran them locally. Here is the...