In the same boat. Can't manage to get any data working other than the example data. This would really jumpstart user research! tv
> I was above to temporarily get past this issue by downgrading the following packages: > > ``` > !pip install jax==0.4.16 > !pip install jaxlib==0.4.16 > !pip install flax==0.7.3...
Recently learned about the ai-models package from ECMWF. Calls the data directly from their MARS archive, no formatting required. Works for Graphcast, Panguweather, and FourCastNet! I haven't had time to...
Tried to accomplish the CLA...may be doing it wrong. If any clarification is available that'd be great.
I'll work through these in the next week or two when able. And yes, I can show that it's working as expected.
> One confusing thing about the `extract_inputs_targets_forcings` is it does it right-aligned instead of left-aligned, so your dataset may start from the same dates, but your actual inputs are not...
Thanks for the quick response. This work will hopefully get me going on the 1st chapter of my dissertation. The differences I'm getting are fairly subtle. For example, I just...
Ok. Yep. I see how it picks out the inputs and targets now. I'll make a few changes and try to submit a pull request this week. Thanks!
Any luck on this? I'm having a similar issue.
> Hello, I'd like to ask how you made the prediction within ten days. I entered 20 time data, but starting from the third data, the prediction is compared with...