Ok, I understand. Thanks anyway.
Btw... do you have a function to power off the display, so it will not use any power.... Or at leased a minumum of power ? Thanks in advance. Tvix.
Thanks.... It's working.
Hi Kurt Could you please comment this comment. Thanks in advance.
Are you using windows ? If Yes, which version
Remember to reset the SKR 1.3 board twice on the reset button.
Because 1.st time the firmware will be loaded into the CPU, and 2.nd time the CPU will start up with the new firmware installed. Don't know why the bootloader isn't...
Try keep the reset pressed down for 3 sec If this doesn't work, try copy a .stl file to the card, and then print it from the card, just to...
Do your self a favor, and buy a new quality 16Gb SD card. Instead of these 128Mb cheeeeep ones! Then you will have no more problems with the SD card.
Same as a lot of other users #54