Thorsten von Eicken

Results 83 issues of Thorsten von Eicken

Looks like lots of good pull requests and valid issues but no movement for a long time... I created a fork at and started to pull in the various...

It appears that prefers the go1 branch over a properly versioned branch? This seems like a bug to me. One specific reason for which I want a go1 branch...

(sorry for the barrage of questions, I'm not sure what other channel to use...) Is there a way to vendor dependencies that cannot be fetched on-demand (for example, because they...


The self link (e.g. .vendor/src/github/com/org/proj -> ../../../../../) breaks code coverage profiles. At least when using ginkgo (but I don't really think plain `go test` is different). The `.coverageprofile` file produced...

help wanted

(Would be nice to document the bunchfile syntax fully)


This is a tentative PR to replace #43 to account for the significant restructuring that was made on master since that PR. This still only has client-side TLS support. More...

I added some comments. Please make sure they're correct if you decide to merge...

I'm trying to run the example on Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and I get: ``` > mvn -q exec:java -e -Dexec.mainClass=com.tdunning.sparse.Learn [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:java (default-cli) on project AnomalyDetector:...

This is not a bug report, just a little heads-up ;-) I'm not sure I understand correctly what the intent of these two flags is, but I don't believe they...

In mqtt_as' `MQTT_base` you have a `_max_repubs` config variable which defaults to 4. It governs how often `publish` republishes a message on the existing connection ( I'm a bit puzzled:...