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A tool for automated migrations for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MySQL.

Results 10 models issues
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Is there an example of how to use this together with [rocket_auth]( In the rocket_auth example, I see that the Users table is being created, but I want that to...

So far only bools, floats, integers and strings. It should also include bytestrings.

Currently default SQLite boolean defaults require to use a 0 and 1, whereas PostgreSQL and MySQL use boolean literals. It would be better if true and false were replaced with...

I already had a code base with handwritten (up and down) migrations. I changed my Rust struct and annotated it properly. For some reason I get the following error: ```console...

Specifically, remove `itertools`, `fehler`, and `thiserror` to speed up compile times. And make `chrono` optional.

Add support for getters for forein keys, with the following API: ```rust #[derive(Model)] struct Post { #[primary_key] id: i32, #[foreign_key(, on_delete="cascade")] author: i32 } let post: Post = Post::from_key(&mut conn,...


create a Json type can hold any type T that implements Serialize and Deserialize. Json probably using serde_json and Blob or Bytes using bincode. they should also implement Deref and...

Any plans about this type support ? Big serial should be useful to represent i64

could be awesome to be able to use this crate with diesel. The output files should be under ./migrations/migrationId/up.sql ./migrations/migrationId/down.sql