Alex Lin
Alex Lin
python3.8,环境同requirements.txt 当使用多个gpu训练时候,会报错 RuntimeError: Input tensor at index 2 has invalid shape [2, 10, 12, 1024, 64], but expected [2, 11, 12, 1024, 64] 出错行显示在模型推理那行 outputs = model.forward(input_ids=batch_inputs, labels=batch_inputs) 这就很奇怪了,明明input_ids和labels完全是一个东西,却会报shape invalid...
1. 存在内存泄漏,作为web服务时会造成内存一直增长,排查好久发现是lac分词的问题 2. 存在擅自更改logging的行为,也是排查好久 没话说了
time cost: msr 87.1 pku 35.1 other 93.6 效果 msr pku other cor 86.8 85.6 87.5 rec 86.0 80.7 84.6 f1 86.4 83.1 86.0
After reading some issues, I realized that it would cost a lot of time to train and take a heavy resouce to build a model on my own env. So...