John Interrante
John Interrante
The Apache Daffodil project has a policy that no merge commits are allowed in our project's history and pull requests should have only one commit before they are merged. We...
Apache Daffodil requires PRs to use GitHub's "rebase and merge" policy, not its "squash and merge" or "create a merge commit" policies. I suppose Daffodil could use "squash and merge"...
Until someone fixes the capsule code, here is a workaround which will suppress the warnings: ```shell java --add-opens --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar ```
After your next commit, wait for the CI tests to finish so we can check whether the single windows error was a fluke or not: ``` [error] Test org.apache.daffodil.tdml.TestTDMLRunnerLogs.test_unparserLogWhenExpectingError failed:...
Please resolve everyone's comments, then we can merge your pull request.
A slight correction: sbt-scoverage's most recent releases have already updated to scala-xml 2.1.0 (we don't have to wait for that to happen). However, we are blocked from using sbt-scoverage's most...
Looks OK, but tests fail when generating example files so will wait until that's fixed before reviewing.
I will chime in. I'm not the original poster, but I would be fine with a configuration option updatePullRequests = "always-rebase" since Scala Steward does not react to messages at...
If Scala Stewart force-pushes to its update PRs, please consider using `git push --force-with-lease` instead of `git push --force` in order to avoid losing any manual updates made by a...
I saw that this PR needed a maintainer's approval to run CI on it, so I looked over the changes and let CI run but unfortunately the changes don't seem...