
Results 7 comments of Marlin

@abdou31 According to the error message, you should load the image(ori and lable),while in fact you load a txt file instead! So you should check your file and train.txt(or...

贴一个博主给的有效链接, 链接: 提取码:b46r 链接: 提取码:9ajt

> @tuuzhang 第二个链接失效了,能否重新分享一个有效的链接,谢谢。 链接: 提取码: b7d6

@ChenCong7375 [](url) This project mabe more friendly, unet_darknet is still some problems!

> hi guys you should download zip file or immediately use git clone in ubuntu os . You shouldn't paste the file from windows to ubuntu os,for the file will...

@wahyubram82 ok, got it, thanks for your reply!

@Alvin9999 感谢博主的分享,我的意思不是不信任博主发布的信息,只是担心被Chrome标记有害信息会不会是被别有用心的人盯上这个wiki了(实测 "Google Chrome | 76.0.3809.100 (正式版本) (64 位)"10.16还是会有这个弹窗,以前一直没有这个信息的)