Hi, after building package I've unzipped the generated file, setup into application.conf the list of Zookeeper nodes and than started but this error happen. Can you please help me on...
Hi, I'd like to have some suggestions about this use case: I've an entity Company, Users belongs to a Company with a relation 1-N I also have an entity Offers,...
Hi, I've downloaded war file from Dropbox and deployed on Jetty. When start I'm able to see below error. Can you please help me on understanding what's wrong Thanks Maurizio...
Hi, I'm trying to use your code but unfortunately, I'm unable to list files. Looking at code debug I've seen there is this piece of code: ` var loc =...
Hi, is there any possibile configuration to have two active redis-proxy connected to the same redis group instead of an HA by keepalived or ElasticIP configuration? I mean why can't...