Simon Tushev

Results 20 comments of Simon Tushev

I ended up with building my own, custom Docker image, with ``` RUN addgroup --gid 1000 --system nextcloud RUN adduser --uid 1000 --system --disabled-login --disabled-password --gid 1000 nextcloud ``` And...

+1 This lesson helps: Possibly consider updating the README?

@zeluisping It seems so:

This should work well for MSIs, but, unfortunately, I'm afraid that the issue would remain for ZIP-extracted installations...

Hello, thank you for your report. From your screenshot, I see that all the JREs are shown as `Not detected`. This usually happens if **Update Watcher** is unable to determine...

*(Re-posting my comment from Slack here, as requested)* As far as I know, it is not recommended to prepend anything before `C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows; ...` - these should always go first. >...

Hello guys, If you want something to be done, do it yourself. Thinking like that (and needing the updater) I created such a tool and I want to share it...

@aahlenst It's designed primarily as an end-user thing: in most 'everyday' cases there is just one single installation of JRE,not even JDK :). As for JAVA_HOME - you can choose...

@maverick74 In current version, you set the release (like **10**, 11) in my GUI and the updater then routinely checks API that looks like `/v3/assets/latest/10/hotspot`. If that API will tell...

Hello, Thank you for your suggestion. Currently the updater is GUI only. I should check, whether it's possible to attach a console to the WPF app. * If yes, logging...