
Results 6 comments of TuruTCrane

I afraid that if pip is installed by pacman (ex. mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pip), virtualenv activatation script's path is virtualenv_location/bin/activate not virtualenv_location/Scripts/activate.bat. So, project.virtualenv_exists is False. Then project._which("python") fails.

In windows msys2, references to Scripts directory should also check the bin directory. And references to Scripts/python.exe should also check bin/python.exe .

I tried pienv===2023.5.19, but encountered another issue. pipenv shell produced "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded". environment vairables ``` PYTHONUSERBASE=/home/turu/py-usersite PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 WORKON_HOME=/home/turu/py-venvs ``` Used command ``` $ mkdir pipenv-test $ cd...

I suspect that this original bug may be related to virtualenv rather than pipenv. Specifically, when running it with msys2, it creates the virtual_env/bin directory instead of virtual_env/Scripts.

Do I need to add another issue for "RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" problem?

I have found that 3 type pythons exist in in windows. 1) Installed by official installer from python.org. (I'm assuming it's the same for what's installed from the Microsoft store)....