Gavin Chait
Gavin Chait
The existing Docker image is about a year old, and many of the frontend Vue.js dependencies are obsolete. I rebuilt the entire `frontend` for [Nuxt.js]( (which is to Vue what...
_Updated and cross-referenced from I needed to update Uvicorn to 0.14.0 since this version permits websockets to send > 1mb of data in a message. I update in Poetry....
I have data where there are unique reference fields, and required title fields. Titles are not intended to be immutable, and can be modified. When using bulk `create_or_update`, updates fail...
I've been upgrading a Django project to 1.9 and get the following error with Django Facebook: ``` ProgrammingError at /admin/django_facebook/opengraphshare/ relation "django_facebook_open_graph_share" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS...
## ETHICS *Interpret the Doctrine of Double Effect as it applies to negative and positive duties.* DDE, trolley problems related to “extra push” and “two loops”. Example: Facebook / Twitter...
## ETHICS *Synthesize the ethical lessons into a framework for professional behaviour.* Synthesis of lessons into a single data ethics set of “Hypocritic” principles. ## CURATION *Consolidate curation methods into...
## ETHICS *Navigate competing ethical claims inherent to liquid societies.* Liquid Society / Modernity by Zygmunt Bauman; who are creators of sophisticated analytical systems responsible to in a global, fragmented...
Module 2 - Lesson 8: Human agency and autonomous systems, and permutation testing for classification
## ETHICS *Resolve conflicts between the need for human agency with algorithmic decision-making.* Cultural critique, who “owns” it? Do you take instructions from the machine, or is it a tool?...
## ETHICS *Develop mechanisms to explore the risks of counterfactual and unknowable consequences.* Counterfactuals (pp 58 in Ethics), and actual vs expected consequences; immediate vs distant; Example: Google AI in...
## ETHICS *Consider the implications of strange loops – self-referential programs with emergent properties – on analysis.* Douglas Hofstadter developed the concept of strange loops; self-referential and paradoxical systems. DNA...