A PUBLISH Packet with a RETAIN flag set to 1 and a payload containing zero bytes will be processed as normal by the Server and sent to Clients with a...
@eastpav duplicate #21
@phanimahesh @eastpav Thanks, the problem will be fixed in V2.3.7 https://github.com/emqtt/emq-docker/pull/53.
Yes, there is a problem with { rs, , [ "hostname1:port1", "hostname2:port2"] } https://github.com/comtihon/mongodb-erlang/blob/master/src/api/mongo_api.erl#L28
Thanks for your feedback, please use version 4.0.2
Hi, @zxzgit Sorry for the late reply,Do you resolve this problem?
There is a problem with your configuration, causing the message to be sent in a loop ``` bridge.mqtt.aws.forwards = cloud/# bridge.mqtt.aws.forward_mountpoint = some/topic/structure bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.1.topic = some/topic/structure/cloud/# bridge.mqtt.aws.subscription.1.qos = 1 ```...
You can refer to https://docs.emqx.io/broker/latest/en/configuration/configuration.html#zoneexternalupgradeqos
Hi, @Think7 Sorry for the late reply,Do you resolve this problem?
Hi, @pewh Sorry for the late reply,Do you resolve this problem?