Manuel Bärenz
Manuel Bärenz
I think that for any functor `m`, `MSF m` is a [profunctor]( This means that we can pre- and postcompose `MSF`s with pure functions, and that precomposition is contravariant. In...
I believe that `MSF`s are an instance of [`Selective]( It should be roughly implemented as: ``` instance Monad m => Selective (MSF m a) where -- select :: MSF m...
There should be an easy tutorial that walks through the basic concepts and combinators. Here is an idea: * Concept: Write an app on dunai without bearriver that allows you...
After I do `make cpp`, I do get a binary `./bin/Coopy-debug`, but not `./bin/daff`, as I'd expect.
I'm getting the following: ``` $ make py rm -rf python_bin mkdir -p python_bin haxe language/py_util.hxml coopy/TableIO.hx:164: characters 12-30 : Class has no field code coopy/TableIO.hx:183: characters 16-34 : Class...
I have two time series `csv`s where the first value is the UNIX timestamp. ``` bin/Coopy-debug --id unix_time --color a.csv a.csv Segmentation fault (Speicherabzug geschrieben) ``` When I call the...
* [ ] Call HLint and resolve all reasonable suggestions, and decide which to ignore * [ ] Add HLint to CI
* [ ] Haddock * [ ] Small unit test * [ ] Rethink naming * [ ] Is there a more general function, maybe like `withCell :: (Cell m...
* [x] Check whether this allows progress in #54 (no) * [ ] Document fully * [ ] Spend a thought on what is public interface and what not (probably...