Tomas Vesely

Results 31 comments of Tomas Vesely

Thank you for report. today or tomorrow I test project without VS.

Have you new vc_redist installed? Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 vc_redist.x86.exe

Thanks, I have stability problems with release exe and now I add to release debug exe. You can download this DLLs from subsite: In next release I change debug...

Did you write right for the game directory? Try to run it as administrator. Or try it run in the user directory. Please write what the result.

I report this problem after removing access for write to game folder: ![2019-12-12 19_29_42-Window]( After grant write access to folder(and subfolders) game is running: ![2019-12-12 19_34_10-Window](

Please make this test: 1)Make download from (exe with debug info) 2)Unzip files to game folder (rewrite remc2.exe) 3)run remc2.exe or remc2-debug.bat(this batch give output to test.txt) 4)Report...

Strange, after adding debug info, creating directories is OK. This is may be problem with synchronisation directory creating and game code. Second problem I report too. Problem is only in...

Than you, I test it. Speed you can change in config file(config.ini): [game] speed = 35 ; speed game, millisecond between frames (1000/FPS) animspeed = 100 ; speed videos, millisecond...

Ahoj, dlouho jsem se projektu(remc2) nevěnoval. Ale několik měsíců zpátky jsem si všiml, že vznikl klon To mě inspirovalo k pokračování na projektu. Cílem je dotáhnout MC2 k dokonalosti...

Ahoj, s těmi právy je to napsané hned na začátku. Pro hraní potřebuješ původní hru, kterou prodává například GOG, vše kromě exe souboru je původní(ale lze přepnout na přibalenou 4x...