David Chandler
David Chandler
It will be generated automatically when you load the project in ADT. Make sure you import it into Eclipse as an Android project. On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:02...
I believe the accuracy is a few meters for the full base 32 geohash. However, using a geohash to query proximity is tricky since you may be near a hash...
Added order() in https://github.com/turbomanage/storm-gen/commit/ea49fa0922152d7f33717975c7e3c5284078291f
Yep, I'll update this.
See perhaps https://github.com/venmo/cursor-utils
In my generated DAO classes, I see only unused imports for various type converters, which is an artifact from a previous design. What else are you seeing? On Sun, Apr...
Yes, I think so, but an additional Long @Id field will still be required since CursorAdapter expects an _id field. I could add a @PrimaryKey annotation.
I'm not actively supporting storm-gen any longer, but would accept a pull request if you find a fix.
Let's add an efficient updateMany()
Thanks, mscheel@. As a workaround, after you rename, delete .apt_generated/com/turbomanage/storm/stormEnv. Let me know if that works.