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A simple library for read/write access to OData services

Results 35 python-odata issues
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According to the [OData 4 Spec on Enumeration Types]( the Value attributes can be omitted. In this situation, the first one is considered to have a value of 0, the...

In, _parse_enumtype() will go through all members of an enumtype_element and append the name/value pairs to enum['members']. It will convert all string values to int, which causes problems later-on...

Implement QuerySingle methods and classes to support singleton operations.

Hey, thanks for your nice code. When trying to execute your example i got an error, you typed Supplier instead of Suppliers. I corrected this. Kind regards Lukas

I really don't know if this is the right place to write my problem here. If not, pardon me! I tried out the library but I ran into the following...

This possibly helps with pushing to PyPI. The "OData" name is taken (PyPI is case insensitive) so I've tested it using "python-odata" and using our Catalyst account to do a...

I'm possibly missing something, but it seems like a query using select should return entities just like the same query without the select. (Obviously not all properties will be populated,...

In, get_entity_sets() will create EnumTypes for all name/value pairs of enumtype members. If the name of the enumtype memer is a zero-length string, creating the enumtype will cause an...

The ..egg directory is not ignored in `.gitignore` Fix:

According to the [OData specification]( `$metadata` urls should work without trailing '/'. They may also work with trailing slash. ### 4.1 Addressing the Model for a Service OData services expose...