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A simple library for read/write access to OData services

Results 35 python-odata issues
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The ODATAV4 standard supports the string function "contains" See Built-in Query Functions in the following section If implemented exactly the same way as this project already implements...

Is there a way to set default values to properties?

I tried to get the data from this site: []( This is the code I used: ``` from odata import ODataService url = '' Service = ODataService(url, reflect_entities=True) print(len(Service.entities)) ```...

If I have a query like:$count=true&$expand=EXPERIMENT_SAMPLE($expand=ENTITY/pfs.MOUSE_SAMPLE_LOT($expand=MOUSESAMPLELOT_CBABATCH)) (ie nested expansions) How do I specify these using this library? I've tried a dozen different things but can't seem to figure it...

Since perform-requests (such as `_do_get()`) methods of `ODataConnection` wrapped in `catch_requests_errors` decorator, `ODataConnectionError` raised without status_code. Must add status_code assigning in `catch_requests_errors` decorator.

Although the tests for the Northwind service are skipped, the setup of the service is not. This means it tries to reflect entities (by downloading the $metadata document). This change...

This is not a bug report. I was wondering if there's some straightforward way to export schema entity types and their properties once the metadata has been retrieved from the...

I'm not so much used with bare installations.

Singletons provide a way to represent a single item at the service root. They live in the EntityContainer tag, just like EntitySets, Actions, and Functions. I would be willing to...

Currently NavigationProperty objects need to refer to an Entity class. Two classes referencing eachother does not work unless NavigationProperties are added after everything else. Should we support Entity refs as...