Charlike Mike Reagent
Charlike Mike Reagent
An extension that patches a bug with titles of generated emojis, by the `all-contributors-cli`. It's just impossible to handle it in another way, because of the GitHub. Basically it is just a 3 lines...
DEPRECATED REPO!! New place at! Next release soon will be published! Return positive value if any of passed values exists in array, or optionally an index.
:book: Huge curated collection (archive) of links of Tech, Science, Economics, Politics, Life, Philosophy, Conferences, Videos and much more resources from everyday surfing. :star: Since October 21, 2...
Delivering delightful digital solutions. Monorepo of monorepos of Open Source packages with combined ~100M/month downloads, semantically versioned following @conventional-commits. Fully powered ES Mod...
Atom & VSCode - Modern javascript snippets for better productivity with support for JavaScript, Babel, TypeScript, JSX and semicolonless code. Using StandardJS Style.
Most powerful, flexible and composable router for building enterprise RESTful APIs easily!
:heart: Stable and lovely router for `koa`, using `path-match`. Foundation for building powerful, flexible and RESTful APIs easily.
:tropical_drink: EventEmitter done right and no deps. For nodejs and the browser (>= IE8). Can emit custom or DOM events. See also the 1kb alternative `dush`
:cyclone: Asynchronous control flow library for now and then. :sparkles: Iterate over promises, promise-returning or async/await functions in series or parallel. Works on node 0.10 if you give it a Pr...
Get locally or globally installation path of given package name.