Tung Vo

Results 10 comments of Tung Vo

@CavalcanteLeo It is not possible to have `layer.masksToBounds = false` and `layer.cornerRadius` at the same time. You should google solution for this.

@CavalcanteLeo I'll take a look.

@CloseServer Sorry I missed this notification. I will make this customisable in the next release. Will notify you when it's out.

@karthikAdaptavant Sorry I did not get notification for this. Those are really nice proposals. I'll let you know when it is updated.

It is a view controller so its lifecycle is the same as all others.

@r-plus Thanks! I will fix it and make a new release asap.

@Urkman : This feature might take some time, I will fix it and publish new release asap. Thanks!

@sLm-s This could be done by using navigationController's pushViewController(_:animated:) instead of using present(:animated:completion:) like Photos app. But this requires some amount of work so I will see if I have...

@danqing I think you can easily achieve that by subclassing DTPhotoViewerController and override method `dismiss(animated:, completion:)`. I am not sure if delegate methods is necessary.

Let's see if I can do anything about it this weekend. Also, you are welcome to open a PR :)