Vu Duc Tung
Vu Duc Tung
oh my god, i love your fanatical devotion to performance! Keep up pls. But these options are not common to all JVMs, only available on HotSpot right? As JRockit is...
Hi Bing, you have right, normally, replacing all quotes by single quotes would be sufficient, if the content does not contain futher special character. But sometime you render a piece...
ok, for the meantime we must satisfy ourself with consequent using of single quotes and manual escaping of special character. But i wish a comfortable and sotisphicated solution, like Grails...
Oh your idea, i think is still smarter. Very importan, no need of such a automagical algorithm for dynamic tracking, simple to implement -> more stable. Ok, why do you...
my solution with react-app-rewired, in `webpack` function in `config-overrides.js`, paste in following lines: ``` // override css loader rules due to bug: const cssLoaderRules = config.module.rules[1].oneOf.filter(rule => rule.use); cssLoaderRules.forEach(rule...
I'm still getting the error when create new VM with following command: [cryto@archserver ~]$ docker-machine create -d kvm --kvm-network "docker-machines" --kvm-boot2docker-url= machine1 Running pre-create checks... Creating machine... (machine1) Boot2Docker URL...
@wzrdtales Do you have any idea? I just want to start minishift to learn openshift, but due to the same error while leasing an IP from dnsmasq for the VM...
@wzrdtales: I found this issue in Fedora Bugzilla reported back in June 2015: It states that libvirt for some reasons from particular version does not use the dnsmasq managed...
For the network docker-machines, i also tried to add this following line to /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/docker-machines.conf (the configuration file of the dnsmasq instance created by libvirt for the network) `dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/docker-machines.leases` But it...