Another set of logs from similar times. In these logs, the problem seems to be different. Logs keep saying resent of packet succeeded but it seems to keep resending the...
Yes, I believe the time used for some functionality like communicating with backend should still be the wall time but the time used in calculating timeouts (for instance https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-kinesis-video-streams-webrtc-sdk-c/blob/master/src/source/Ice/TurnConnection.c#L215) should...
Please find the full logs as attached. Note that there is a successful connection previously but the issue happens while the channel master keeps putting ```VERBOSE signalingClientGetCurrentState(): Signaling Client Get...
@disa6302 The issue is not about number of viewer sessions going to zero. In our application, the number of viewers go to zero and new connections are received many times....
Yes, we observe the same problem in v 1.7.1
Attaching a new log file. What I suspect, based on a quick look is that the turnConnection state machine may be stuck in FAILURE state as the latest related log...
We still have this issue.
(1) Viewers and master are on different devices. There are different viewers in different locations and different masters in different locations. Typically, only one viewer connects to the stream simultaneiously....
Before the bot closes this issue, yes this is still happening.
Before the bot closes this issue, yes this is still happening.