lsd_slam copied to clipboard
Changing FPS and Camera Resolution
I'm trying to use lsd slam but until now the results are poor. My reconstruction results comes with much noise and i think in some situation the depth is badly calculated cause i get points where i shouldn't have, for instance in the line between the object and the camera.
When i run the program, the first reconstruction is good, but when i start moving the camera everything is worsen, i get much noise.
So, to solve this i'm trying different things, and one of them is to change fps and camera resolution to see if that makes a difference. But i can't manage to find my fps. How can i check my fps and change them?
The resolution my camera uses is 640x480. How can i change it? It's on the calibration file using crop?
I suppose you're using ROS Indigo. How do you access the camera? The uvc_camera node, for example, has parameters which you can set by running rosparam. Here's an example to set the frame rate to 30 FPS: rosparam set uvc_camera/fps 30
Some other camera nodes are configured via the rqt_reconfigure module. See if it is installed on your system, then run rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure