lsd_slam copied to clipboard
Build failing due to inability to find `Eigen/Core`.
I am trying to build this package, and I'm having a hard time with this error:
#include <Eigen/Core>
I can't see why it wouldn't work. I checked my /usr/include
path and I definitely have Eigen:
/usr/include/eigen3/Eigen$ ls
Array Eigenvalues MetisSupport SparseCholesky StdList
Cholesky Geometry OrderingMethods SparseCore StdVector
CholmodSupport Householder PardisoSupport SparseLU SuperLUSupport
Core IterativeLinearSolvers PaStiXSupport SparseQR SVD
Dense Jacobi QR SPQRSupport UmfPackSupport
Eigen LeastSquares QtAlignedMalloc src
Eigen2Support LU Sparse StdDeque
Anyone have any idea? Or had this problem?
You used Eigen3. Try to changes in CMakeLists: find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED) and ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}