Daniel Tullemans
Daniel Tullemans
Would `action.Should().Throw().ContainingInnerException()` make sense?
Hi, I'm the reporter of #5889. I found a workaround on my machine, which was to disable Mesa's use of DRI3 by starting PrusaSlicer with `LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE=true prusa-slicer`. Not sure if...
@MasterCATZ what driver were you using for the R9 290?
@tai-yi: The reason this hasn't happened yet is because it's easy for such "conforming containers" [to turn into an anti-pattern](https://blog.ploeh.dk/2014/05/19/conforming-container/#68e62f6ecc7643c18c0616c2dc405a94). There [are ways to make a framework DI-friendly](https://blog.ploeh.dk/2014/05/19/di-friendly-framework/) without that,...
Any plans for this to be included in v3, at least?
Just started noticing this recently myself. System config: * Arch Linux * Zen kernel v5.12.10 * FB2k v1.6.6 [via AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/foobar2000/) * Wine v6.10 * Pulseaudio v14.2
Update: I noticed this happening FAR more often when playing 96KHz/24bit 6-channel audio, which leads me to suspect that a TCP throughput limitation could be causing the issue. After adding...
> when I reduced the buffer length to 50 ms this issue disappeared completely. FB2k's buffer or PA's?
Not sure how that fixed it, but I just listened to over an hour of audio (some multichannel, some stereo) and it hasn't stopped once. Thanks for the tip!
I'm hesitant to switch to Pipewire since my DAC required a [really specific PA configuration](https://github.com/evilphish/sennheiser-gsx-1000) to work right, and I really don't feel like repeating that process in an unfamiliar...