I can't get certificate working even within local network. Without certificate Zeus connects fine locally. I have added in LND config (myNode): `tlsextraip=` `tlsextraip=192.168.0.x` (local IP of LND) Afterwards I...
@deregs I use myNode and LND 0.14.1. I have regenerated and downloaded new certificate with myNode GUI. I will try manually in terminal. edit: No change. I manually deleted `~/.lnd/tls.cert`,...
Thanks for suggestion. I have run `openssl x509 -text -noout -in ~/.lnd/tls.cert` and it shows all `tlsextraip`s ok. Also iPhone profile shows correctly IPs. I will upgrade myNode to latest...
Yes, this was it! Genetal > About > Certificate trust settings > enable your certificate @kaloudis updating tls.crt installation for iOs probably would be good idea 1. iPhone will not...